Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 In Review

    We saw a lot of progress over the past year (well, 11 months for us). Let's take a look back at everything we did on this New Year's Day!

   On February 14th the Studio was founded with one goal in mind; make good games. We began with 3 members. Kenna, Philippe and Zach. The first project we started back then is still our pirmary one and has gone through many, many changes.

   In late May we entered into a competition to create something space themed, in our case it was something based on getting and delivering some milk for your boss! We got a new member in the form of April, who did some amazing work on that game's sound track.

   On April 30th we published our first title as a studio, Milk Run which you can play right now in your browser. It took us a month of mostly-organized work to put together. April made the tracks that play on all screens of the game, from the title to the boss fights. Kenna created all of the character sprites that appear within the space stations. Philippe created the backgrounds for those lovely stations while Zach directed the project as well as put everything together with code. It's certainly not as pretty as it could be, but we are proud for what we accomplished in a short amount of time on top of work and school.

   Over the summer of 2018 we made a ton of progress on our main title. From sprites to new mechanics and designs. Being able to work on the main project full time even if only for a few weeks can product far more content than you may think! We also gained Raina as a part of the studio!

   The fall of 2018 can be summed up with the posts previously created on this blog. We made further progress on the main title and recruited two new members. While they no longer work with the studio, we still wish them the best of luck in their future projects.

    The winter of 2018 has just ended and can only be summarized by saying it was hectic. Finals were plaguing every member of the studio, and combining that with work and other obligations it meant that not much progress was made. We are still proud of what we got done in these hard months, knowing it will lead to greater accomplishments down the road.

    So, 2018 was a bit of a crazy year for us. As a start up with a budget of whatever spare time we have every little bit helps. If you would like to support us in the coming years you can subscribe to this blog below (it's free!) or you can follow us on our twitter (also free!). We hope to do great things together as a team and as a community as a whole in 2019!

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